
Showing posts from January, 2009


=>To clean ur RAM without software  =>Open notepad & type FREEMEM=SPACE(64000000) =>Save it as ram.vbs and close it =>Now run the script by double click on ti =>now your pc work fast

Disable autoplay of pendrive

Disable autoplay of pendrive 2 avoid virus activatn: go to run  =>run =>typ gpedit.msc =>comp config =>admin temp =>systm  (right side)  =>turnof autoply =>enable =>all dr

Trick to increas PC life:

=>shutdown properly =>do not place many Icons in destop =>keep 50% free space in C drive =>dont keep folders in taskbAr


=>TO INCREASE UR RAM & SPEEDUP PC =>Use ur Pendrive as RAM in Windows XP, =>Download ebooster from: COPY AND PASTE THE LINK IN URL


Earn Rs.2000 daily. No Investment .   Wanted Online Internet job workers. Job is only through Internet. Work part time. You can earn Rs.750-2000/- daily. These are genuine Internet jobs. No Investment required. Only serious enquires. Indians Earn Rs.250000 monthly. Easy form filling jobs Earn Rs.35,000-50,000/- per month from home No marketing / No MLM . We are offering a rare Job opportunity where you can earn from home using your computer and the Internet – part-time or full-time. Qualifications required are Typing on the Computer only. You can even work from a Cyber Café or your office PC, if so required. Working part time for 1-2 hours daily can easily fetch you Rs. 20-25,000 per month. Online jobs, Part time jobs. Work at home jobs. Dedicated workers make much more as the earning potential is unlimited. No previous experience is required, full training provided. Anyone can apply   


Fix corrupted file in window xp: =>Load XP cd into cd drive =>go to Run =>type sfc/scannowok =>THEN copy its lost file frm cd 


H OW TO HIDE FOLDERS USING COMMAND PROMT? SOLUTION: TO HIDE A FOLDER, GOTO CMD AND TYPE “DRIVE NAME:/attrib folder name +s +h”.                      EXAMPLE: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HIDE A FOLDER NAMED “geethai” IN DRIVE “c”.                                      GO TO CMD: type "c:/attrib geethai +s +h ". HOW TO SHOW FOLDERS USING COMMAND PROMT? SOLUTION: TO SHOW A FOLDER, GOTO CMD AND TYPE “DRIVE NAME:/attrib folder name -s -h”.                      EXAMPLE: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHOW A FOLDER NAMED “geethai” IN DRIVE “c”.                                          GO TO CMD: type “c:/attrib geethai –s –h “

Gmail on your google Desktop !

download .html

Sample Graphics designs


Do u know how much time u have left to live in this earth?

Go and know about ur life. Read Disclaimer Carefully

Automatic Screen Refresh:

GOTO =>Run =>regedit =>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. =>S ystem =>CurrentControlSet =>Control =>Update =>Set the "UpdateMode" to 1

TOP MoBiLe WeB BrOwsErs

1 Skyfire 2 Ibisdx 3 Opera 8.65 4 Netfront concept 3.5 5 Iris 6 Jb5 7 Opera mini 4.2 8 Pie 9 Teashark

personal email tracing

Find out when your email gets read, how long for, where, and much more

Search engines we search.

Five Best UI Tricks in 2009

1. CLEAR: First and foremost, clarity is key. Your user interface design should communicate the meaning and function of your website to users. If users can't figure out how to navigate your website or use your application, they will quickly become frustrated and may leave. 2. CONCISE: While clarity is essential, be careful not to over-explain. Keep things concise, as adding too many explanations will increase the mass of your interface and require users to spend more time reading through them. Try to explain features in one sentence rather than three and label items with one word instead of two. 3. RESPONSIVE: Responsive design is also crucial. With many people browsing websites on desktop and laptop computers, your website should load quickly and work smoothly. Slow interfaces and long loading times are frustrating, so aim to provide users with a fast and seamless experience. Looking to the future, consider that more people may start accessing your website on handheld devices such...

Convert Any Text to Speech

Do you ever find yourself staring at your computer screen, struggling to read the text in front of you? Or maybe you're someone who prefers to listen rather than read? Whatever your reason may be, the Windows 7 Narrator is here to help! By following just a few simple steps, you can easily convert any text to speech with the Narrator feature. First, click on the Start button and navigate to All Programs, Accessories, Ease of Access, and then Narrator . Once you've opened the Narrator, it will begin reading aloud the information in the current window. But wait, there's more! The Narrator window offers several options to customize how it behaves. To make sure the Narrator reads out the keys you press, select the " Echo User's Keystrokes " option.                                               Now that you have the Narrator up and running, it's time to put it to work! Open up a ...